Dive Team at LSAOur experienced and enthusiastic coaches will be returning for the 2025 season.
Dive practices begin Monday, June 2, 2025 No Experience Required - Just Desire The LSA Dive Team is for anyone age 4 to 18 who enjoys jumping off the diving board. No prior experience is necessary. Diving is a great sport for building character and confidence. The coaches aim to minimize stress and inject plenty of fun activities into the training. Coaches spend quality one-on-one time with every diver to set achievable goals, chart their progress and keep them motivated. SIGN UP FORMS Not Sure About Diving? Newcomers are welcome to try it out anytime before making a final commitment. Please be sure to sign your son/daughter up so we know to expect them. No previous experience is necessary; however, if the coaches feel a young diver is not yet ready for organized practices, then that child will be asked to wait until next year. What dives are being taught? Each diver learns new dives at their own pace. As a general rule of thumb, divers in a given age group will perform the following:
Dive Team Practice
Afternoons until public schools close
Practice will begin on Monday, June 2nd. While public schools are still in session, practice times will be weekday afternoons.
No Dive Practice on Tuesday June 24th! Last Day of School Party at the pool instead! Summer Practice Schedule Starting Wednesday June 25th Monday - Friday
Divers may choose any practice that best fits their schedule, regardless of age, but in general:
SIGN-IN Sheet Every Practice We ask that team members please sign-in when they arrive at practice. Sign-in sheets will be at the Pool entrance table. Team members will not be penalized for missing practice, rather the list is helpful for coaches to know exactly who is in attendance to ensure the safety of our swimmers and divers. Please remind your child to only sign themselves in and not their friends. |
Dive Team
Weather Alerts & Key Announcements To receive text alerts regarding weather cancelations and key announcements for DIVING, join our REMIND group. Text the code @h96kf4 to the number 81010 Dive Team Meets
Meet Schedule
The regular season dual meets for diving in 2025 will be on Mondays and Wednesdays July 2, July 7, July 9 (raindates July 14, July 16), from 4pm to 8pm. PASDA Dive Championships will be held mornings July 23 and 24. Two special invitational meets will take place Sat June 28 at Ben Franklin Swim Club (1-meter board), and July 19 at Penn Brook (3-meter high dive board). The LSA dive meet calendar with location and opponents is posted on the team calendar. You can also find more details about the entire league schedule at www.pasda.org. Sign-Up Sheet for Meets Team members must indicate which meets they are able to attend by using the sign-up sheet posted in the clubhouse. If team members are not signed up for any given meet, the coaches will assume they ARE participating. Dive Team Coaches
![]() Coach Beth Evaldi
Beth is stepping up into the Head Coach position at LSA for 2025. She is former Junior Olympic and AAU diver for Princeton Tigers Aquatic Club and a former PASDA champion. She also competed for the Hun School where she was a medalist at the prestigious Easterns Prep School Championship and the Mercer County Dive Championship. She currently dives for The College of New Jersey where she earned Diver of the Year honors for the NJAC conference after finishing 1st on 3-meter and 2nd on 1-meter at the 2024 NCAA conference championship. ![]() Coach Kirk LeCompte
2025 will be Kirk's 17th season as a dive coach at LSA. He and the other coaches have built one of the strongest dive programs in PASDA and led LSA to multiple PASDA Championship Titles, as well as a top three finish in each of the last 12 years. The team went undefeated in 2016 and 2017. Kirk has also served as the PASDA Dive Trustee since 2006. Growing up, Kirk swam, dove, and later coached for his teams in Virginia Beach, VA. ![]() Coach Maggie Chrnelich
Maggie is a former Junior Olympic and AAU diver for Jersey Diving Academy, and a four-time PASDA champion. She has also competed for Notre Dame High School. She is returning for her 3rd year as an assistant coach at LSA. ![]() Our Diving Board
See Slideshow See Video of Ribbon Cutting Expert Installation by the Fulcrum Guy |